Influential Artist Collectives and Their Art

There are some extraordinarily influential artist collectives in existence today. Some collectives have been in existence for a long time and are seen as an example to other artistic movements around the world. If you are looking for some inspiration or keen on learning something new, look at these artist collectives.

Miss Rockaway Armada

This movement is made up of individuals who have made various efforts to spread their ideas. The collective began by making nautical-inspired art pieces, where a parade of raft-like sculptures was designed and made to float down the Mississippi river in 2006.

In the past, these individuals have performed theatrical and musical performances as well. They have also been involved with several graffiti projects and street art. In November 2013, the movement ran a programme that presented creative exercises to students.

teamLab – Investigation of Modern Human Behaviour

The teamLab movement was established way back in 2001 in Tokyo, Japan. The group comprises ultra-technologists who use contemporary anime and Japanese traditions to express their passion for technology and the natural world.

They focus on human behaviour in the information age. The team designs models that depict cultural and social development and often provide onlookers with a virtual experience. teamLab plays host to several exhibitions and programmes across the world.


The Assemble collective is a modern movement that focuses on contemporary issues in the social landscape. They manage projects that involve average citizens and encourage social activism and artistic expression. Their activities centre around getting the community involved as a whole.

The London-based movement manages various projects from design, architecture, and art in general. Assemble won the Turner Prize for their efforts in addressing urban dereliction in Toxteth, Liverpool. The movement encourages the value of people over profits.

Find more examples to inspire you

There are many other examples online about artist collectives that have and continue to inspire the world around them. Some forms of art seek to bring about change in a community. The work done by these collectives is no easy task, but their efforts continue to influence the world around us.

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