Write to Us

Write to us about your experiences with live art performances. There are always some interesting stories to share, and we are keen to hear everything about them. There are plenty of topics to write about. Here are some great topics if you need to get started.

Meeting a famous artist

Some of the greatest artists that ever lived enjoyed a period in their life where they could learn from a mentor. Individuals that form part of an artist collective can often act as mentors to those around them. Tell us about your experience with a famous artist at an event and how this meeting inspired you.

Write about your artist collective

If you are a member of an artist collective, tell us more about it. What is the vision of your collective, and how does it plan to bring about change in your community and beyond? It doesn’t matter if you believe that your group is small or insignificant, its ideas and values could still bring about change.

Encourage others to join an artist collective

Promoting your collective with us may encourage others to join your cause. People do not have to agree with the ideas that are put forward by all collectives. However, it is always a good idea to encourage people to play an active role as citizens in their community.

General questions about artist collectives

Many people are often uncertain about the role of artist collectives in society. Do not be afraid to write in about any questions you may have about artist collectives, their art, performances, and the events they organise. You may even be encouraged to start your own artist collective if you do not already belong to one.