
Artist collectives and their performances

Steakhouse Live presents the latest news about artist collectives and their performances. Get access to all the information you need if you plan on joining an artist collective. If you are just a fan, get the latest updates on the live art shows you love.

Learn about combining live art and casino entertainment

If you like taking a trip to the casino, then you might be interested in the concept of merging live art and casino entertainment. Read about how artist collectives can turn your casino experience into a memorable occasion.

Get in touch with artist collectives and their performances

Artist collectives organise events and performances all over the world. Here, you can get to know about their performances and ideas. Learn about artist collectives and their ideas before pursuing them.

Explore artist collectives and their art: past to present

Look at artist collectives and organisations over the centuries and discover how things have changed. Artistic movements have always made efforts to bring about change in communities and beyond. Explore a brief history here.

Discover modern live art celebrations and events

Find out if any artistic events are being held in your area. Book your ticket to the next performance. Modern celebrations of live art make people aware of current affairs and issues in our world.

Join an artist collective to learn more

If you feel comfortable with the values and ideals portrayed within an artist collective, you can join them. Find out how you can join one of these movements to make a difference in your community.